Rabu, 16 September 2015

Man Went Missing For Over Two Years, His Family Found Him In The Least Expected Place!

There had been a lot of cases of missing persons without evidences on where to find them. A few ended happily while most cases ended in a tragic scene. 

The family who are left by the missing person tend to draw conclusions on what happened to them. A best example of this is the story of a man who went missing in the early 2000s in Moscow. For almost two and a half years no one could tell where he had been.

Photo Credit: AsiaTown

Andrey Gorbov disappeared without giving clues to his family on his destination. Not a single person in their town know where he had gone to. Even his family doesn't have an idea.

His family claims that two and a half years is too much time waiting for someone who has no plans of coming back. So they decided that it is time to give up what he had including his car in the garage. 

Photo Credit: AsiaTown

When they opened the car, they saw the man that they had been looking for inside. He committed suicide in the back of his car. 

Photo Credit: AsiaTown

His dead body was lying there completely untouched. It was already decomposing when they found him. There are suicide notes in the car as well.

One for his kid which says: "Especially Kirill, forgive me. I am very bad father. Please, try to understand me."

Photo Credit: AsiaTown

The second one states: "Natasha, thanks for all. Forgive me. Finally you get rid of me."

Photo Credit: AsiaTown

While this letter include his last 5 wishes: "Wishes: 1) Incineration 2) Do not take remains if you want 3) I don't need funeral feast. I insist. 4) Don't tell my mother. 5) Forget me."

Photo Credit: AsiaTown

He even left a note for the police: "For Police Department. I am Gorbov Andrey in adequate condition turning on the engine of my car. There is no reason to blame somebody. This is suicide."

Photo Credit: AsiaTown

Source: WereBlog

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