Jumat, 04 Desember 2015

Doctors Warns The Public That Backpacks Can Break The Spines Of Children!

Backpacks are one of the most useful things that was ever invented in the history. It helps a lot of people carry their loads especially the children who needed to bring a lot of stuff in school. 

But based on a study that was done by experts, backpacks have a negative effect towards the health of a child. It risks the spinal cord of the children. 

An example can be seen with this boy who had been carrying his heavy backpack for more than a year. The first thing that they saw was that he was walking with a curve at his back. Then he was complaining about the severe pain that he experiences on his back. 

When they seek the help of a doctor, the kid needed to undergo a surgery. The weight of the backpack caused his spine to be totally damaged. 

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